The Cairngorm Club is a hillwalking, mountaineering and climbing club based in Aberdeen, Scotland. Our programme of events including day hikes and climbs, weekends away, and outdoor activity skills training opportunities.

Our Next Hillwalk

Our next walk is to Sgor Gaoith in Glen Feshie. A minibus will be leaving Aberdeen 7am.

Event info

Training Update

Our recent night navigation course was held on Clachnaben

More info on training


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More on our climbing activities

The Cairngorm Club

Based in Aberdeen, the Club was founded in 1887 and is the oldest and one of the largest hillwalking and climbing clubs in Scotland. Its coat-of-arms was granted in 1965. It is a registered UK charity.

Its objectives are “to encourage mountaineering, with special reference to the Cairngorm mountains; to promote competence, safety, knowledge and responsibility of attitude amongst mountaineers; to offer opportunities to engage in that pursuit in company with others; to impart information concerning mountains; to keep under review rights of access to Scottish mountains; and to issue publications.”

Its members have from time to time included a number of climbers of repute, but most are simply hillwalkers with interests ranging from cross-country walks, through more strenuous hillwalking (and unashamed Munro-bagging), to serious rock and ice-climbing.

Today we are simply a group of enthusiasts who love the mountains and activities carried out in the great outdoors, enjoying nature and the wilderness.

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Helen Russell

Club President

Club News

Reports on our club activities – hiking, climbing, walks and more. Have a look to see what we get up to, and to get an idea of what’s involved and where we go.

  • Overnight Camping trip

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  • Carn an t-Sagairt Mor 16.3.24

    Carn an t-Sagairt Mor 16.3.24

    After a grey week it was great to set off under blue skies up through Ballochbuie Forest.  Three split off from the main group…

  • Ladder Hills 17.2.24

    Ladder Hills 17.2.24

    A total of 17 members attended this Day Meet to the Ladder Hills. We travelled to Strathdon by minibus and car and assembled in…