The Club encourages members to become proficient in all aspects of hillcraft, including navigation, winter skills and first aid. Most simply, participation in Club meets (e.g. in the President’s Party: see under “Day Meets” in the “Club Activities” page), and walking in company with more experienced members, should help new members to acquire some skills and confidence. Occasionally, the Club organises its own courses at minimal cost; details are given in the newsletters, or made known via the email system. It can also offer financial support up to 50% of the cost of training and assessment courses offered elsewhere (e.g. at Glenmore Lodge), provided that some Club benefit (e.g. meet organisation) is envisaged: members should apply in advance to the Training Co-ordinator with details of the course and its cost.

Club members cannot train you in rock or ice-climbing; this is better done professionally. However, once the basics are learnt, you will be able to gain experience with fellow-members.